Saturday, December 31, 2005

I'm so vain; bet you think this blog is about me ...

Really it's not .... just a way to keep in touch with you guys. It's New Year's Eve and I had the best guy in the world to celebrate it with, so I dressed up for the occasion. Since somebody had to take the picture though you only get to see me!

Anth wanted to see a close up of my hardtail bike...

This is a hardtail, meaning there are only shocks on the front. This, the Olympic cyclist at the store said, is best for trail riding. See the disc brakes? That's so I can safely ride through creeks, instead of diving into them like I did that day when I was hiking. 27 gears means I have a slight chance of keeping up with my cycling companion.

Innovative indoor incline ...

What! I finally had time to cycle, but the weather outside was frightful, so ... I found a nice incline to practice on inside.

Too cold to bike outside so . . .

Nelson installs toe clips to insure safe indoor cycling

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

This year's version of downhill skiing ...

Warm weather, lots of rain, and little snow limits downhill skiing opportunites. We found this bike (last year's model marked down by half) at a sporting goods store a week ago. It weighs half what my old one does, has 27 speeds and disc brakes. After a 60-mile ride on cinder trails and over creeks, and up hills I had to run my old bike up because it kept running out of gears, we started looking for a more practical model. We knew this was the answer. It also appears that this will be our New Year's activity. More rain and 40 degree weather are predicted.

Kris & Roy

Top: Nelson, Roy & Kris ponder how to cross the creek without getting wet or cold.
Bottom: Kris is making snow angels while husband Roy, preferring to stay dry and warm, stands by and watches. One must wonder about his logic. Just a few minutes earlier, he was perched on ice just a few inches above the falls scaring us all half to death.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Hi Tour Falls Hike

Today we went with friends Kris & Roy on a hike at Hi Tour Falls, just a few minutes outside of Canandaigua.

Christmas 2005

Nelson, Bart and I enjoyed Christmas afternoon with Sam, at her apartment in Hornell. We lit the Advent candle and ate ham, bologna and cheese sandwiches together.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Musings from the Finger Lakes

I have created my own blog, now that I have seen what Steven has done with his. I check his every couple days or so. It helps me feel connected and like I'm still a part of them. So now you have an easy way to stay connected to me ... on your own terms and when you choose. And for starters I have enclosed some photos of my space, so you can "see me" where I live. Bart and I spend most of our time perched on the couch/daybed, my favorite place to study and his favorite napping and lookout point. Classes begin again on the 4th. And if Monday isn't too busy, I'll send you some photos of my office.