Son-in-law Steven snapped these pre-epiphany photos of the girls on January 6. I downloaded them from his blog, where he stated that the lighting gave them a glow that seemed very fitting for pre-epiphany. The blog also has some very unusual points of view of nature. I encourage a visit: He's been experimenting with some different angles and techniques. Always a fan, I think his recent photos are amazing.
There's been one blue-eyed girl and one brown-eyed girl in my family now for three generations. My ma said she had some Spanish in her ancestry and she loved the Spanish style of dress. My oldest daughter, my brown-eyed-girl, is named Anna Maria, partly because of that Spanish heritage (and partly she's named after my blue-eyed sister). Magdalena Hope (above) also received a Spanish name, carrying on the tradition.
your grandkids are super cute! I finally updated my blog with some pictures of my new "little ones"
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