Friday, March 03, 2006

I'm turning into a blogging fiend ...

This will be my third entry in just two days. Oh well, I just had to pass on these photos of my newest "grandchild", taken from my son-in-law's web site (http://
Steven (left) and Anna Maria (right) adopted Azul (also known as Zuli) from the SPCA. She's supposed to be Steven's dog, but she also seems to have adopted Anna Maria, who is a bit mixed about a having a near-50 pound border collie mix. Zulie is known to try to herd her human sisters -- 4 1/2 year old Liza Grace and Maggie, who's nearly 3 (Maggie is in the background of the photo of AM). I haven't heard how Zulie and Frannie Cat get along.
Zulie loves long walks and likes to be outside, which is a good thing. When Steven is at work and the girls are as much as AM can handle, Azul can play outside for a while.
Azul is named for her blue eyes apparently. I asked Liza Grace on the phone the other day if Azul's eyes were as pretty as hers. "They're pretty but a lot lighter, GrammaNete. They're so light they're almost white," she said.
I sure would love to see that crew, but VA is a twelve-hour drive from here and gas prices don't seem to be lowering much. Soon ... maybe in the summer. That's what I keep telling the girls. "See ya in the summer."


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