Friday, March 17, 2006

St Pat's

In the top photo Nelson's about to feed a hunk of corned beef to Camelia -- that seems to be part of the tradition when the three of us gather ... lots of jovial food sharing and very little concern about germs or manners.
Knowing how much I enjoy the traditional St. Patrick's Day meal, Nelson picked out the corned beef brisket and a head of cabbage to help celebrate. Last night I plopped the meat in a soup pot, added cabbage (that wouldn't stay in wedges), quartered potatoes and pot-roast-style carrots. After baking in the oven for five hours, I carefully pulled out a hunk of the juicy red meat and split it with him. The best ever!
When Camelia showed up a few minutes later, I handed her a sneak preview of the upcoming meal.
There's just nothing like good friends to share a special day with ... and speaking of special days, my daughter and son-in-law have had a week of special days.
The Angora goats on the farm where Anna Maria spends a lot of her time just gave birth. Soon they'll be producing wool for the farmer-owner and Anna Maria to spin in yarn for more craft projects. Those and photos of animals and insects as you've never really seen them below are on his web site at:
Be sure to follow the link to the news article describing the art show where the photos were displayed, too.


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