Friday, March 03, 2006

Just one more ...

and then I'll quit till I have another "blog attack". I nabbed this photo off my little brother's web site ( which he posted earlier this week.
My son-in-law (Steven) took it when we were at my sister's house in Urbandale, IA, after her oldest son's wedding. I have the best siblings anyone could have. We don't get together often enough (since they're all in IA) but when we do, silliness sure seems to reign.
Alan Paul (and I'm the only one who gets by with using both names) is my big bro. He just got his license to fly a plane using only instruments; he learned to fly when in his 40s. He's had that dream since he was a little kid. I'm so excited that he's accomplished that; and, in his 40s, he also graduated from college.
The second from the left is me.
My baby bro (Perry) is in the middle; he's just man enough that he can handle being called that. Anyway the baby in the family never lives long enough to get any respect. I often greet him, "Hey, Baby Bro, what's up?" He'll lean way down for a hug and answer, "Not much, Big Sis. How about you?" He and his wife have two boys, Eli and Noah, that are the same age as my granddaughters.
My sis is next and her plate is way too full these days. Besides being the mom of four and the wife of one, she's a pastor at her multicultural church, part-time editor of Open Bible Magazine, and she also works as a receptionist half-time. I don't know how she keeps track of all her goings and comings, nor all the takings and picking-ups she does for her kids.
Anth is on the far right -- my little bro. He and his wife have two boys: Brian is the musician I talked about in an earlier post; Christopher is in high school. Anth, like me, is in college. He just took a new position at Alcoa, where he works, and will have a journeyman's license in electrical something-or-other-that-he-tried-to-explain-to-me the other day. I almost got it; when he writes it down for me, then I'll have it for sure.
Their spouses and kids are also awesome. When we're all together now, there's about 40 -- us, spouses, kids, grandkids and then there's some almost-siblings and some almost-kids, but I won't confuse you with all that.


At 6:16 PM, Blogger Anthony said...

No fair... I posted this picture on my blog first. :)


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