Thanksgiving weekend
Four days off in a row (but no photos, I'm sorry!)
Thanksgiving Day: Beginning at noon, I baked pumpkin pies, yams and rolls; and made mashed potatoes and stuffing for dinner with youngest daughter Sam. Nelson helped me load his jeep with food and we hauled it 1.5 hours over the hill to Dansville for dinner at 3:30. That's when she got off work. She made her first turkey the night before and she reheated it while I warmed up the food I'd brought from Canandaigua. After dinner we kept the McCracken tradition of an after-dinner-stroll. It wasn't nearly as crazy an outing as it is when more then 30 McCrackens wander down the street. But it was still enjoyable. Bart and Ebony competed to see who would leave the most recent scent on each tree that passed; it's a Terrier thing, I think. Sam showed us the apartment where she'll move in a couple weeks.
Friday: Friday was bike shorts for me. Steve Bragg, Nelson and I took about a 10-miler down the street, over the Ontario nature trail and on to the trails at Finger Lakes Community College. We slung mud for miles after riding up and down the wooded trails. Somehow though Steve managed to keep his jeans and jacket clean. Nelson and I, however, looked like we'd been mud-painting with a sprayer.
Saturday: After mucking out the water garden at church and helping to set up chairs, I curled up in a wicker chair on the asphalt driveway by the house and studied. I was comfortable in jacket and jeans; that's how warm the temps were.
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