Finally Free
I made a deal with Nelson a few weeks ago. On the day we normally set up chairs at church by ourselves, I'd do it by myself if he'd get me started and if he'd take the offer to participate in the Easter musical at Crosswinds. To help you understand how much confidence I have in his ability, let me explain. Once a month we set up over 600 chairs and together it takes us about three hours. I knew I could do it but I had to have him "start me" as my depth perception and vision problems make it too hard for me to get the alignment right. If started right, though, I can then maintain.
But I've degressed. Back to my story. A church member wrote the script for this performance, which includes drama, dance, music and, both humorous and emotion-impacting scenes. Nelson can sing and dance, and since he was promised that he wouldn't have to speak or sing, I thought this would be a way for Nelson to ease into the worship arts at church.
Well to quote a mutual friend of ours, a bit of "bait and switch" has occurred. Once Nelson acted out the part he agreed to, he also learned a dance step and will be singing with the "crowd". Instead of stepping out of his comfort zone he's been launched into outer space. (He's doing well though. He's learned a lot).
After setting up chairs a couple weeks ago, I snapped several pictures in an effort to catch the comaradarie and excitement, but the lighting wasn't conducive to picture taking and the click-flash of my camera was too distracting. I did keep this picture of Nelson (alias Matthew) as he, the other disciples danced into the ministry center, while practicing a scene.